The current Theogony
James Fleck, MD, PhD: Anticancerweb 13 (09), 2021
In Hesiod's Theogony, Asclepius was a demigod related to medicine. He was the son of the divine Apollo and Koronis, his mortal mother. Today, the rod of Asclepius is still considered the symbol of medicine. The snake around the cane used to hide secrets underground, using them to express prophetic power. Currently, it resembles DNA, the code of life, made available as a biotechnological advance. Secrets were revealed by the Human Genome Project launched in 1988. It was a collaborative research program seeking a complete sequence mapping of all bases found in human DNA. The Human Genome Sequencing Consortium brought together more than 2,800 researchers. The entire sequence was completed and published in 2003. The secret was unveiled more than two thousand five hundred years after the mythical healing power attributed to the rod of Asclepius. Interestingly, the caduceus is also a magic wand carried by Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Since the 16th century it has also been used as a symbol of medicine. Hermes stuck a stick between two fighting snakes, calming them, creating settlement and healing. In ancient Greece, the caduceus was also associated with messengers and heralds, representing multimedia narrative. The symbolic similarity found in the rod of Asclepius and the caduceus already predicted a natural integration between medical and communication skills.
Symbolic resemblance used by the gods of medicine and communication, both protecting the snake's hidden secrets revealed in human DNA sequencing
Medicine, media and technology create a powerful combination, with the urgent need to meet personal and public health demands in today's world. The Greeks already knew, but although they hid technological development, they encouraged the integration of medicine and communication on a subconscious or mythical level. The symbols described above point to a core association. The values have been stored in the human unconscious for centuries. Today, medicine is an international language. Despite different beliefs and cultures around the world, medicine is the same, supported by efficient communication tools. Integration began in the doctor-patient relationship and expanded through the dissemination of scientific and technological development. Hesiod's theogony explained the world through the eccentric behavior of the gods. The creative impulse was represented in their unstable mood and unpredictable reactions. Magical events referred to technological advances not yet available but allegorically anticipated. It was a puzzle or patchwork that we gradually learned how to compose. Today, we often combine medicine, media and technology without realizing that this proposed integration was a gift from the gods.
Multimedia narrative accommodating current relationships between the fury of the gods (technology) and medicine
Any action in personal medical care begins with the patient's history, which is supported by the physician's communication skills. Any public health action begins with a well-designed educational program, widely distributed on multimedia devices. Medicine has always been supported by strong communication resources. At the personal level, multidimensional care involving physical, emotional, cognitive and social interventions is based on well-qualified doctor-patient relationship. In public health, the use of press and online media improves the result of any proposed program. Medical journals and corresponding websites, billboards, film industry, radio, television, smartphones and social media compose the multimedia narrative. Medical meetings in all specialties are also expanding the use of multimedia narrative to promote knowledge and obtain feedback. Today, any medical facility must include an interactive multimedia center, conveying medical information in a comprehensive and simple language. Currently, medical technological advances are growing very quickly. Standards of diagnosis and treatment are changing even more rapidly. The human capacity to keep up with global technological advancement is reaching its limit. Big data recommendation systems are being developed and combined with human discretion, seeking for better intervention outcomes. Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are the new challenges for mankind's communication skills. A proper connection combining medicine, media and technology will be critical to addressing future directions in healthcare. The media will be essential to promote a consonant development of medicine and technology. Hermes and Asclepius will have to join forces to better accommodate the fury of the gods.
1. Collins FS, Lander ES, Rogers J, Waterson RH: Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome, Nature 431 (7011): 931-45, 2004
History has revealed many stories and mysteries about the early civilizations and cultures that prevailed through time and, unfortunately, many of which remain unsolved and misunderstood even until today but with the advances of science and technology brings advances in our comprehension of daily life including their understanding and beliefs in the areas of health and medicine. With the help of media, new findings can be transmitted rapidly, initiating a cascade of events that can lead to rapid evolution in the field of medicine, as explain in this article. This integration of medicine, technology and media is important for evolution.
The integration of medicine is an important goal for the world. The more connection there is between doctors, hospitals, patients and their data, the more quality healthcare for the citizen will prevail. That is, the lack of communication between the different factors involved in the patient's cure makes medical science weaker.
The metaphor used since the title of this article is interesting. The Western world adopted Greece as the cradle of knowledge and science. However, despite the (intentional) erasure throughout history, it is noteworthy that the first civilizations were African, also polytheistic, and that science in different areas, including Medicine, was already practiced and documented (creating its own data storage tools - papyrus, for example) in order to transmit knowledge about the observed events. The myth of Asclepius says that he was taken from the womb of his mother, Coronis, by Apollo, before cremating her body. However, there were already records of cesarean deliveries in African civilizations. Knowledge is not static, exclusive or exhaustible. The tools to forge and perpetuate it transmute to accompany the evolution of species. Technology and the media, as human creations, form a powerful alliance for the construction of what medicine is, which precedes a good base of communication and actively acquired knowledge.
This article explores many historical aspects and feelings towards patients, greek heroes and cures, referring to ancient myths and focusing on the perception of health. The origins of Western culture are extensively related to Ancient Greek culture, and many current aspects of human behaviour and social organisation still rely on these roots - from a medical perspective, Ancient Greek culture and myths represent a valuable prototype for greater comprehension of our modern practice, with the aim of instigating better clinical compliance, treatment adherence, integration on Medicina and comunication, technology and outcomes. The honourable, yet too often disregarded, Confucius's quote "study the past if you would divine the future" perfectly applies to the above-mentioned scenario, reminding us that concepts and observations from different ages and cultures may be equally true even among different cultures of heterogeneous origins and chronological settings.
The integration between media, technology and health has positively influenced hospital administration. Advances in technology studies impact all clinical practice processes, from communication to information collection, optimizing diagnostic methods and more personalized treatments. In addition to contributing to a better understanding of diseases, it is essential for the development of minimally invasive and equally efficient procedures, predisposing the patient to lower risks.
The relationship between technology and medicine is increasingly evident. I believe that with higher computational processing powers medicine will become increasingly united with technology. Big Data and Deep Learning within medicine require a great deal of computing power. I think that from the development of quantum processors medicine will revolutionize. I imagine we will use smart watches with the ability to collect data and instantly give an accurate diagnosis. I see that the current limitation is due to silicon processors. I imagine that in the future the car will be connected to the cell phone, the watch, the house, the patient's doctor... A true internet of things.
If communication has already been used to propagate technological, treatment and even vaccine advances; lately, the media serve as a space for a wave of fake news about the COVID-19 pandemic. More, therefore, than making use of and producing new advances, it is essential to have common sense, coherence and Science itself, with due scientific rigor, so that, in this way, advances happen and there is not, as today, a decrease of vaccination coverage, return of eradicated diseases, misuse of medicines and so many other problems that inadequate communication causes.
Media and technology, when associated with science in the medical scenario, become powerful tools in the developing of the healthcare of the future. However, such tools must be associated with clear communication, and the willingness to learn from other professionals, other institutions and other cultures so they can show their potential in the development of science. Besides, these tools cannot be confined to the high scientific community; they must also be used to inform and empower the patient and the population in general.
The biggest role modern media has played in the world of science has undoubtedly been accessibility. New information is much more easily accessible and more easily shared as well. While there are bad consequences to this, as we have seen with the recent surge in fake news and, even more in the pandemic, the popularization of bad science, it is undeniable that, for the betterment of knowledge, it has to be easily accessible and shareable. That is the basis of collective intelligence. The role of media is therefore to, within the realm of possibility, prop up good science, be it hegemonic or not, while highlighting the errors in certain ways of thinking. It must be a place for discussion and growth, while at the same time honoring and valueing the principles of the search for truth.
It has been proven again and again that ignoring the power of technology and media over other areas of life comes at a high cost. The COVID-19 pandemic made it crystal clear when the lack of communication between the scientific community and the general population resulted in various misunderstandings. Nowadays, the necessity of making health information accessible for everyone meets with the possibilities that are offered by the internet, a powerful tool in medicine that should be used and explored for the purpose of benefiting everyone involved.
Modern Myths, the limit in technological medicine today: ethical approach. Incorporate the medical treatment algorithms into our everyday clinical practice with media and technology in healthcare. It’s no secret, the human body is complex and trying to diagnose our illnesses can be quite a task, even for the most seasoned doctors. To better their diagnoses, doctors collect as much information as possible from their patients. This information comes in an array of sources, including doctor’s notes, clinical images, genetic tests, demographics, and laboratory results. Today, databases of electronic health record systems contain data for billions of patients and is needed for safe patient care.
In fact, medicine and communication are intrinsically related, from doctor-patient communication at the moment of anamnesis and the establishment of a trust bond of trust between the doctor and the patient to global communication between health specialists and researchers in order to democratize and share the knowledge acquired. It was especially possible to observe the value of this symbiosis during the Covid-19 pandemic, when the sharing of scientific knowledge spread worldwide quickly and efficiently. The origin of the symbol of medicine is really fascinating, integrating Asclepius' rod and Herme's Caduceus, relating since antiquity the importance of communication for the exercise and development of medicine and health.
The communication system worldwide is changing every single day, and it is not different when it comes to the medical field. It is imperative for doctors to use the tools available to bring the most updated information to their practice and to transmit all of the knowledge acquired in the most understandable way to the patient in order to strengthen the primary and, maybe, the most important form of communication when it comes to the success of a treatment, the doctor-patient relationship, stablished since the ancient Greece and, for sure, not in its way to disappear.
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