Collective Intelligence applied to Medicine

Proposed methodology for knowledge modeling in Medicine

James Fleck: Anticancerweb 14(12), 2020

Evidences show that collective intelligence can be measured and that it is not just an arithmetic sum of individual IQs. There is a synergy, which can be observed both in the results and in the satisfaction obtained with the joint work. This is the basic driver that moves people on social networks. In general, the driver is mostly used in a scattered way. Our proposal is to use it in a focused and creative way, producing and modeling what can be called the aesthetics of knowledge. This work has been carried out in the area of clinical oncology , using two websites: (English version) and (Portuguese version). Today we are completing 5 years of existence and we thank the 845 collaborators who have believed in the pedagogical and social value of this initiative. We have reached the mark of 300 editorials and 170,000 views. But, it is only the beginning of a worldwide semantic approach to ontology-based knowledge modeling, specifically focused on Medicine.